Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Binary/Trinary/etc Trees in LaTeX

For all you LaTeX fans out there, thought you might find this interesting. There is a package out there that lets you represent a decision tree in LaTeX using relatively simple code. You can download it here.

Now for a quick example.
\Tree [.A [.true [.B [.true $+$ ] [.false $-$ ] ] ] [.false [.C [.true [.D [.true $+$ ] [.false $-$ ] ] ] [.false $-$ ] ] ] ]

Turns into the image at the left. The only limitations are that each node can have no more than 5 childeren and the whole tree must be less than 20 levels deep.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


In their paper, "MESO: Supporting Online Decision Making in Autonomic Computing Systems", Kasten and McKinley showcase their novel approach to pattern classification. Called MESO (Multi-Element Self-Organising tree), this pattern classifier is designed to support online, incremental learning and decision making in autonomic systems.

Using supervised data MESO uses a novel approach to cluster data. It also unveils a new tree structure to organise the resulting clusters, which the authors call sensitivity spheres.

To create their sensitivity spheres, Kasten and McKinley improved on the long standing leader follower algorithm which creates small clusters of patterns. Basically, a training pattern within a specified distance is assigned to that cluster, otherwise a new cluster is created.

What is the problem with the algorithm: The distance measure which determines the size of the clusters is fixed throughout the clustering process.

In their paper the authors proposed the use of a growth function to remedy this problem.
grow_{\delta }  = \frac{(d - \delta) \frac{\delta}{d}f }{1 + ln(d - \delta + 1)^{2} }

d \rightarrow distance between the new pattern and the nearest sensitivity sphere

\frac{\delta}{d}  \rightarrow scales the result relative to the difference between the current \delta and d

Note: the denominator serves to limit the growth rate based on how far the current \delta is from d

Once the data is assigned to these clusters or sensitivity spheres, it is then organised into a novel tree structure. Kasten boasts of a tree structure which rather than focussing on putting individual patterns into large clusters close to the root of the tree, he instead places the focus on his sensitivity spheres. He then builds a MESO tree starting at the root node which is home to all the sensitivity spheres. He further explains:

The root node is then split into subsets of similar spheres which produces child nodes. Each child node is futher split into subsets until each child contains only one sphere.


Using the eight datasets in the table below MESO results shows it superiority in terms of speed and accuracy against other classifiers.


In 2008, Dr. Menzies authored a paper titled "Using Simulation to Investigate Requirements Prioritization Strategies". This paper showed the effects of project and requirement dynamism on the software development processes. In the Spring of 2008, he tasked his Artificial Intelligence class to expand on this model.

Thus, POM2 was born. One of the main differences between POM and POM2 is that POM focused on small teams and small projects. POM2 built its model around the 5 different branches proposed by Dr. Turner and Dr. Boehm. This varied the project size as well as introducing other factors.
  • Personnel - The number skill level of the staff
  • Dynamism - The amount of project change
  • Criticality - The impact of failure after deployment
  • Culture - How accepting the staff is of change
  • Size - The total number of staff across all teams

POM2 implimented all of the branches excluding Personnel. With the information available to us, Personnel was a wash. Better people cost more and produced more. Less talented people cost less and produced less. This lead to a near zero effect.

POM2 was then put through a Monte Carlo simulator while a KEYS search engine isolated the interesting areas in the simulator.

The main discovery is that Agile development methods performed as well as or better than Plan based development methods in all areas, especially excelling in dynamic environments. Further research is needed into the Personell and Criticality branches of POM2 to fully flesh out the model.

POM2 was accepted as a short paper to ASE'09. The full version of the paper can be found here, and the short version can be found here.

Bryan Lemon

Bryan is currently a Computer Science Master's student at West Virginia University. He graduated with his BS in Computer Science from Bluefield State College in spring of 2008.

He, along with a team of other students at Bluefield State College competed in The Intelligent Ground Vehicle competition in the summer of 2008. They took first place in the Autonomous Challenge and 4th overall.

In the Fall of 2009, he, his advisor, and his classmates submitted a paper to ASE'09 detailing a software process development model. It will be featured as a short paper in November's conference. He is currently developing a Decision Tree based clusterer called Ripple Down Rules.

Bryan plans on going on to the PhD program upon completing his Masters degree. Once all is said and done, maybe he will finally have the time to develop a hobby.

Monday, October 5, 2009

PhotoSketch Combines Art, AI, and Voodoo Magic

AI research is a great field and all, but I occasionally look at our colleagues over in computer graphics and marvel at what they are doing. SIGGRAPH Asia is coming up later this year, and while I'm sure that we'll see all sorts of mind-blowing things, Tao Chen et al from Tsinghua University have decided to get the party started right now.

Their development, PhotoSketch, is a cloud-based app (I hear they are all of the rage these days). It takes a quick, labeled sketch from the user and turns it into a beautiful photograph containing all of the requested elements. This video demonstrates the process:

PhotoSketch: Internet Image Montage from tao chen on Vimeo.

Basically, the app lets you enter any rough sketch, label it, and press the big "go" button. Their algorithm will find images in its database that match the given labels and decide on the most appropriate match by looking at the labels and sizes of the other objects in the sketch (hey - there's the data mining connection). It will them seamlessly merge all of these disparate elements into a single image, match them with a background, and adjust the lighting and shadows into something vaguely realistic. The results look awesome. There is still something a little.. off.. about the examples, but they will let the layperson compete with the gods in internet Photoshop contests.


Clojure: Lisp's Next Evolution

Clojure is a new, dynamic programming language that is built upon the rock-solid foundation of the Java Virtual Machine, the industry-standard platform that is the foundation for Java, one of the world's most popular and powerful multi-platform languages. But, why write in Clojure if you want to target the JVM instead of Java? Wouldn't it make more sense to write your project in the language for which the virtual machine was designed?

Enter functional programming at its finest; Clojure doesn't just target the JVM. No, it's much more than that -- it's an implementation of Lisp. It's not your standard Common Lisp, however; it's a highly specialized form of the language. It's designed with everything modern functional programmers have in mind: concurrency, immutability, and perhaps most importantly, portability. That's right: all your current Java classes are compatible with Clojure.

Clojure doesn't stop there. The core data structures are immutable and extensible. Code-as-data has been extended to maps and vectors. Practically everything is abstract. Multimethods foster polymorphic programming. It really is an amazing thing.

To see what I mean, you should really have a look for yourself over at Clojure's website. The MIL already has a project that is built upon Clojure, CLIFF, which uses an embedded version of the language to generate forensics models dynamically.

As a functional programmer, writing in Clojure has been a dream come true. Do yourself a favor and hack something up today. :D

Monday, September 28, 2009

ICSM 2009 Presentation - Relevance Feedback

Sadly, I couldn't make it to the International Conference on Software Maintenance this year. Fortunately for us, our fantastic contributor Sonia Haiduc could attend and present our paper. She did a great job, and there is a ton of interest in the follow-up work.

The abstract:
Concept location is a critical activity during software evolution as it produces the location where a change is to start in response to a modification request, such as, a bug report or a new feature request. Lexical based concept location techniques rely on matching the text embedded in the source code to queries formulated by the developers. The efficiency of such techniques is strongly dependent on the ability of the developer to write good queries. We propose an approach to augment information retrieval (IR) based concept location via an explicit relevance feedback (RF) mechanism. RF is a two-part process in which the developer judges existing results returned by a search and the IR system uses this information to perform a new search, returning more relevant information to the user. A set of case studies performed on open source software systems reveals the impact of RF on the IR based concept location.

Want to try some treatment learning?

Have a difficult problem to solve? Do you want to know the exact factors that lead to a diagnosis? You might be able to apply treatment learning to the problem.

First, read this and this. Those two articles should give you the basic background. For a more in-depth discussion, take a look at this draft.

If you're feeling brave, go grab the source code for either TAR3 or TAR4.1. NASA has recently given us the newest versions of both treatment learners. To run these, your computer will require a C compiler and the Matlab runtime environment.

TAR Source Code

Warning: This code does have bugs and isn't particularly well-documented. It works, but don't shout at us if it occasionally crashes.

Text Mining

Recently, Ourmine was used to perform a large text mining experiment on the following large data sets:
  • Express schemas: AP-203, AP-214
  • BBC, BBC Sport
  • Reuters 
  • The Guardian, (multi-view text data sets)
  • 20 Newsgroup subsets
The main purpose of the experiment was to determine the overall benefits of using slow clustering/dimensionality reduction methods over heuristic means. To conduct the experiment, two dimensionality reduction methods were used - Tf*Idf and PCA - in conjunction with three clustering methods (a naive K-means, GenIc, Canopy clustering).

Tf*Idf, or term frequency * inverse document frequency, is a fast reduction method that reduces the number of attributes in a text data set by filtering out important terms from unimportant ones. The concept here is to identify the terms that appear frequently in a small number of documents, and infrequently across the entire corpus. This allows us to evaluate how "relevant" terms are to that particular document pertaining to a specific concept.

PCA, or Principal Components Analysis, is a reduction method that treats every instance in a dataset as a point in N-dimensional space. PCA looks for new dimensions that better fit these points. In more mathematical terms, it maps possibly correlated variables into a smaller set of uncorrelated variables, which are called principal components. The following image shows an example of how two dimensions can be approximated in a single new dimension feature, as seen by the dashed line.

K-means is a very slow clustering method used (in this experiment) to cluster documents from each corpus.  It's a special case of a class of EM algorithms, works as follows:

  1. Select initial {\em K} centroids at random;
  2. Assign each incoming point to its nearest centroid;  
  3. Adjusts each cluster's centroid to the mean of each cluster;
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the centroids in all clusters stop moving by a noteworthy amount;
GenIc is a single-pass, stochastic (fast) clustering algorithm. It begins by initially selecting K centroids at random from all instances in the data. At the beginning of each generation, set the centroid weight to one. When new instances arrive, nudge the nearest centroid to that instance and increase the score for that centroid. In this process, centroids become "fatter" and slow down the rate at which they move toward newer examples. When a generation ends, replace the centroids with less than X percent of the max weight with N more random centroids. Repeat for many generations and return the highest scoring centroids.
Canopy clustering is another heuristic clustering method. Developed by Google, canopy clustering reduces the need for comparing all items in the data using an expensive distance measure, by first partitioning the data into overlapping subsets called "canopies". Canopies are first built using a cheap, approximate distance measure. Then, more expensive distance measures are used inside of each canopy to cluster the data. 
In order to determine the benefit of using each clustering method, cluster purity and similarity are used. When a document's class is given to us, we can determine a cluster's purity by finding how "pure" a cluster is based on the existence of classes per cluster. For instance, if a cluster contains a large number of documents containing a large number of classes, the purity of that cluster is relatively low. However, if a cluster contains a large number of documents with very few classes, we can say that the cluster has a high purity.
Cluster similarity tells us how similar documents are either within (intra-cluster similarity) a cluster, or across many clusters (inter-cluster similarity). Thus, we strive for a very high intra-cluster similarity, but a very low inter-cluster similarity based on the concept that clusters are meant to group documents together based on how "similar" they are, therefore we don't want a clustering solution to group documents together that are in no way similar to one another.
The results of this experiment are astounding. The following table represents cluster similarities in relation to runtimes normalized to the more rigorous methods (as these were assumed to perform the best).

Reducer and ClustererTimeIntersimIntrasimGain

In this table, "Gain" is the value of the intra-cluster similarity minus the value of the inter-cluster similarity. Thus, a higher gain represents a better overall score for that particular clusterer and reducer. As can be seen, most methods lie below the more rigorous methods (PCA*K-means). However, TF-IDF produces better results than does PCA on most combinations, and by observing TF-IDF*GenIc, we can see that even though is scores second in the table, its runtime is about 1/5-th that of TF-IDF*K-means.
Links to graphs of overall weighted cluster purities are found below for the BBC and BBCSport data sets.  As we can see, in BBCSport, slower methods (K-means) provides the highest cluster purity. However, in BBC we can see that GenIc gives us results that are very close to those of slower solutions. 
BBC purities 
BBC Sport purities 

Sunday, September 27, 2009

New draft: Diagnosis of Mission-Critical Failures

Gregory Gay , Tim Menzies, Misty Davies, Karen Gundy-Burlet

Testing large-scale systems is expensive in terms of both time and money. Running simulations early in the process is a proven method of finding the design faults likely to lead to critical system failures, but determining the exact cause of those errors is still time-consuming and requires access to a limited number of domain experts. It is desirable to find an automated method that explores the large number of combinations and is able to isolate likely fault points. Treatment learning is a subset of minimal contrast-set learning that, rather than classifying data into distinct categories, focuses on finding the unique factors that lead to a particular classification. That is, they find the smallest change to the data that causes the largest change in the class distribution. These treatments, when imposed, are able to identify the settings most likely to cause a mission-critical failure. This research benchmarks two treatment learning methods against standard optimization techniques across three complex systems, including two pro jects from the Robust Software Engineering (RSE) group within the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Ames Research Center. It is shown that these treatment learners are both faster than traditional methods and show demonstrably better results.

New draft: Finding Robust Solutions in Requirements Models

Gregory Gay , Tim Menzies , Omid Jalali , Gregory Mundy, Beau Gilkerson, Martin Feather, and James Kiper

Solutions to non-linear requirements engineering problems may be “brittle”; i.e. small changes may dramatically alter solution effectiveness. Therefore, it is not enough to merely generate solutions to requirements problems- we must also assess the robustness of that solution. This paper introduces the KEYS2 algorithm that can generate decision ordering diagrams. Once generated, these diagrams can assess solution robustness in linear time. In experiments with real-world requirements engineering models, we show that KEYS2 can generate decision ordering diagrams in O(N 2 ). When assessed in terms of terms of (a) reducing inference times, (b) increasing solution quality, and (c) decreasing the variance of the generated solution, KEYS2 out-performs other search algorithms (simulated annealing, ASTAR, MaxWalkSat).

New draft: Controlling Randomized Unit Testing With Genetic Algorithms

James H. Andrews and Tim Menzies and Felix C. H. Li

Randomized testing is an effective method for testing software units. Thoroughness of randomized unit testing varies widely according to the settings of certain parameters, such as the relative frequencies with which methods are called. In this paper, we describe Nighthawk, a system which uses a genetic algorithm (GA) to find parameters for randomized unit testing that optimize test coverage. Designing GAs is somewhat of a black art. We therefore use a feature subset selection (FSS) tool to assess the size and content of the representations within the GA. Using that tool, we can prune back 90% of our GA’s mutators while still achieving most of the coverage found using all the mutators. Our pruned GA achieves almost the same results as the full system, but in only 10% of the time. These results suggest that FSS for mutator pruning could significantly optimize meta-heuristic search-based software engineering tools.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Great (succinct) list of GnuPlot tricks

For example:

Point size and type

  • pointsize is to expand points: set pointsize 2.
  • type 'test' to see the colors and point types available

lt is for color of the points:
  • -1=black
  • 1=red
  • 2=grn
  • 3=blue
  • 4=purple
  • 5=aqua
  • 6=brn
  • 7=orange
  • 8=light-brn
pt gives a particular point type:
  • 1=diamond
  • 2=+
  • 3=square
  • 4=X
  • 5=triangle
  • 6=*
(and, for  postscipt: 
  • 1=+,
  • 2=X,
  • 3=*,
  • 4=square,
  • 5=filled square,
  • 6=circle,
  • 7=filled circle,
  • 8=triangle,
  • 9=filled triangle,
  • etc.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Redefining Classification

HyperPipes is a linear-time dumb-as-a-box-of-hammers data miner that usually scores very badly, except on very spare data sets.

Aaron Riesbeck and Adam Brady added a wriggle to HyperPipes:
  • If N classes score the same, then return all N.
  • In this framework "success" means that the real class is within the N.
Based on that definition of "success", their HyperPipes2 algorithm (on self tests) scores accuracies of 100%. And in data sets with dozens of classes, it usually return 1,2,3,4 classes.

So if the task is knowing what it IS, HyperPipes2 may not be useful. But if the task is what it AIN'T, then HyperPipes2 is a useful tool for quickly throw away most of the competing hypotheses.

New machines for the AI lab

We are upgrading our machines: six new dual core Dells for the lab and a tower of four dual-cores, just for running data mining experiments.

When the Reviewer is Definitly Wrong

Some of us know the bitter sting of a journal rejection. We've come to curse the existence of "reviewer 2" (really, there's an entire Facebook group devoted to the cause).

Well, sometimes the reviewer is just plain wrong. This paper collects a few reviews from famous academics who, just this once, were completely on the wrong side of history.

My particular favorite? Dijkstra, someone that all of you should be familiar with, wrote a seminal paper warning against the use of goto statements. One reviewer voted to reject it, questioning this notion of structured programming. This reviewer concludes with this gem of a statement:

Publishing this would waste valuable paper: Should it be published, I am as sure it will go uncited and unnoticed as I am confident that, 30 years from now, the goto will still be alive and well and used as widely as it is today.

The author should withdraw the paper and submit it someplace where it will not be peer reviewed. A letter to the editor would be a perfect choice: Nobody will notice it there!

We all know how this one turned out.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Guide to Writing up Empirical Results

The appendix of this paper offers the headings of standard experimental se paper

I offer this reluctantly since while science may be REPORTED like this, it is not PERFORMED like this. The sentence that really stings is:
    "According to Singer [14], the Analysis section summarizes the data collected and the treatment of the data. The most important points for this section are: (1) It is not allowed to interpret the results [14] and (2) data should be analyzed in accordance with the design [6]. "
I do not know how to do analysis without interpretation. I am not an ethereal being with no desires or biases. IMHO, this kind of paper is sort of a post-hoc structuring of all the unstructured thrashing we do prior to cleaning up our ideas.

Nevertheless, the appendix is a good check list of headings. Feel free to deviate from them but at least it is a place to start


Monday, September 14, 2009

Zachary Murray

Zachary Murray is an undergraduate research assistant with the Modeling Intelligence Lab at WVU. He is currently studying Computer Science with a minor in Mathematics and expects to graduate in May 2010.

Zack assists the graduate students by providing critical programming support and interface design for the MIL's latest and greatest projects.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Trusting Effort Estimation Results

Standard estimators for software development effort offer one number: the prediction.

It would be nice to know how much (if at all) we can trust that prediction. To this end, Ekrem Kocagüneli at Softlab (in Turkey) applied Greedy Agglomerative Clustering to generate a binary tree whose leaves are real training instances and whose internal nodes are a mid-way point between their two children. He found a relationship between prediction error and variance of the performance statistic (*) in the sub-tree. That is, we can return not just the estimate, but an trust measure of how much we should believe that estimate.

(* Ekrem build predictions via the median of the estimate in the leaves of the subtree).

In the following experiments, 20 times, we took out one training instance, GAC the remaining, then estimated the set-aside. Note that after some critical value of variance (on the x-axis), the error spikes (on the y-axis). So, if your test instance falls into sub-trees with that variance, do not trust the estimate

In the following diagram:
  • x-axis: weighted variance of sub-tree
  • y-axis: log of error = magnitude of relative error = abs(actual - predicted)/ actual

For more details, see here.

Case-based Software Engineering

The Wednesday group that does teleconferences with Australia has a new web site.

It contains a list of interesting readings on case-based CBR. In particular, there is a video on CBR for gaming.

Apology to Turing

Alan Turing, a gay computer genius who was instrumental in World War II, received a posthumous apology from Prime Minister Gordon Brown for the state's persecution of Turing's homosexuality.

Turing's efforts in the war uncovered German military secrets and, according to BBC, shortened the war by two years.

Tried and convicted of homosexuality, he opted for chemical castration, a series of injected female hormones, rather than imprisonment. Two years later, he committed suicide.

After thousands had signed a petition for the government to apologize, Mr. Brown did so through an article in the Daily Telegraph.

Mr. Brown writes, “I am pleased to have the chance to say how deeply sorry I and we all are for happened to him. Alan and the many thousands of other gay men who were convicted as he was convicted, under homophobic laws, were treated terribly.”


Quicker Quicksort

A lot of we do requires sorting. For years, the best-of-breed was quicksort, perhaps with a randomizer pre-processor to avoid the worst-case scenario of already sorted data. BTW, here is a linear-time randomiser:

function nshuffle(a, i,j,n,tmp) {
n=a[0]; # a has items at 1...n
for(i=1;i<=n;i++) {
return n;
function round(x) { return int(x + 0.5) }

Now there is empirical evidence that a new quicksort that uses two (not one) pivots is faster:

  • Pick an elements P1, P2, called pivots from the array.
  • Assume that P1 <= P2, otherwise swap it.
  • Reorder the array into three parts: those less than the smaller
    pivot, those larger than the larger pivot, and in between are
    those elements between (or equal to) the two pivots.
  • Recursively sort the sub-arrays.
This new method is up to twice as fast as old quicksort.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Todos: 09/08/2009

From the meeting invitation:

  • zach : looking forward to an interface where i can enter meta-info on each of the features
  • fayola: is your clusterer still broken?
  • bryan: is running a temperature and if that persists, he plans to stay away.
  • Greg: text mining experiment, bug Misty for paper edits, ASE paper, Promise stuff


Within a model, there are chains of reasons that link inputs to the desired goals. As one might imagine, some of the links in the chain clash with others. Some of those clashes are most upstream; they are not dependent on other clashes. In the following chains of reasoning, the clashes are {e, -e}, {g, -g}, {j, -j}; the most upstream clashes are {e, -e}, {g, -g}

In order to optimize decision making about this model, we must first decide about these most upstream clashing reasons (the "keys"). Most of this model is completely irrelevant. In the context of reaching the goal, the only important discussions are the clashes {g,-g,j, -j}. Further, since {j, -j} are dependent on {g, -g}, then the core decision must be about variable g with two disputed values: true and false.

Setting the keys reduces the number of reachable states within the model. Formally, the reachable states reduce to the cross-product of all of the ranges of the collars. We call this the clumping effect. Only a small fraction of the possible states are actually reachable. This notion of $keys$ has been discovered and rediscovered
many times by many researchers. Historically, finding the keys has seen to be a very hard task. For example, finding the keys is analogous to finding the minimal environments of DeKleer's ATMS algorithm. Formally, this is logical abduction, which is an NP-hard task.

Our method for finding the keys uses a Bayesian sampling method. If a model contains keys then, by definition, those variables must appear in all solutions to that model. If model outputs are scored by some oracle, then the key variables are those with ranges that occur with very different frequencies in high/low scored model outputs. Therefore, we need not search for the keys- rather, we just need to keep frequency counts on how often ranges appear in best or rest outputs.

KEYS implements this Bayesian sampling methods. It has two main components - a greedy search and the BORE ranking heuristic. The greedy search explores a space of M mitigations over the course of M "eras". Initially, the entire set of mitigations is set randomly. During each era, one more mitigation is set to M_i=X_j, X_j being either true or false. In the original version of KEYS, the greedy search fixes one variable per era. Recent experiments use a newer version, called KEYS2, that fixes an increasing number of variables as the search progresses
(see below for details).

KEYS (and KEYS2), each era e generates a set as follows:
  • [1:] MaxTries times repeat:
    • Selected[1{\ldots}(e-1)] are settings from previous eras.
    • Guessed are randomly selected values for unfixed mitigations.
    • Input = selected from guessed.
    • Call model to compute score=ddp(input);

  • [2:] The MaxTries scores are divided into B "best" and the remainder become the "rest".
  • [3:] The input mitigation values are then scored using BORE (described below).
  • [4:] The top ranked mitigations (the default is one, but the user may fix multiple mitigations at once) are fixed and stored in selected[e].

The search moves to era e+1 and repeats steps 1,2,3,4. This process stops when every mitigation has a setting. The exact settings for MaxTries and B must be set via engineering judgment. After some experimentation, we used MaxTries=100 and B=10.

Pseudocode for the KEYS algorithm:

1. Procedure KEYS
3. for I:=1 to 100
4. SELECTED[1...(I-1)] = best decisions up to this step
5. GUESSED = random settings to the remaining mitigations
8. end for
12. end for
13. end while
14. return SELECTED \end{verbatim} }

KEYS ranks mitigations by combining a novel support-based Bayesian ranking measure. BORE (short for "best or rest") divides numeric scores seen over K runs and stores the top 10% in best and the remaining 90% scores in the set rest (the bes$ set is computed by studying the delta of each score to the best score seen in any era). It then computes the probability that a value is found in best using Bayes theorem. The theorem uses evidence E and a prior probability P(H) for hypothesis H in{best, rest}, to calculate a posterior probability

When applying the theorem, likelihoods are computed from observed frequencies. These likelihoods (called "like" below) are then normalized to create probabilities. This normalization cancels out P(E) in Bayes theorem. For example, after K=10,000 runs are divided into 1,000 best solutions and 9,000 rest, the value mitigation31=false might appear 10 times in the best solutions, but only 5 times in the rest. Hence:

Previously, we have found that Bayes theorem is a poor ranking heuristic since it is easily distracted by low frequency evidence. For example, note how the probability of E belonging to the best class is moderately high even though its support is very low; i.e. P(best|E)=0.66 but freq(E|best) = 0.01.

To avoid the problem of unreliable low frequency evidence, we augment the equation with a support term. Support should increase as the frequency of a value increases, i.e. like(best|E) is a valid support measure. Hence, step 3 of our greedy search ranks values via

For each era, KEYS samples the model and fixes the top N=1 settings. Observations have suggested that N=1 is, perhaps, an overly conservative search policy. At least for the DDP models, we have observed that the improvement in costs and attainments generally increase for each era of KEYS. This lead to the speculation that we could jump further and faster into the solution space by fixing N=1 settings per era. Such a jump policy can be implemented as a small change to KEYS, which we call KEYS2.

  • Standard KEYS assigns the value of one to NUM_MITIGATIONS_TO_SET (see the pseudocode above);
  • Other variants of KEYS assigns larger values.

In era 1, KEYS2 behaves exactly the same as KEYS. In (say) era 3, KEYS2 will fix the top 3 ranked ranges. Since it sets more variables at each era, KEYS2 terminates earlier than KEYS.


New to Treatment Learning and TAR3? Read this first.

TAR3 is not a data miner. Not only does it have a different goal (treatment versus classification), its very design runs counter to that of traditional classifiers such as Naive Bayes. Data miners, according to Bradley et al:
  • Require one scan, or less, of the data.
  • Are on-line, anytime algorithms.
  • Are suspendable, stoppable, and resumable.
  • Efficiently and incrementally add new data to existing models.
  • Work within the available RAM.

    TAR3 stores all examples from the dataset in RAM. It also requires three scans of the data in order to discretize, build theories, and rank the generated treatments. TAR4 was designed and modeled after the SAWTOOTH incremental Naive Bayes classifier in order to improve the runtime, lessen the memory usage, and better scale to large datasets.

    Pseudocode framework for a treatment learner. TAR3 and TAR4.1 use this basic framework, each defining their own objective function:

    1. Procedure TreatmentLearner(LIVES=MAX_LIVES)
    2. for every range R
    3. SCORES[R]:=score(R)
    4. while LIVES>0
    5. BEFORE:= size(TEMP)
    6. TEMP:= union(TEMP,some())
    7. if BEFORE:= size(TEMP)
    8. LIVES--
    9. else
    11. sort(TEMP) by score()
    12. return TOP_ITEMS

    1. Procedure one(X=random(SIZE))
    2. for 1 to X
    3. TREATMENT:=TREATMENT+ a random range from CDF(SCORES)
    4. return TREATMENT

    1. Procedure some
    2. for 1 to REPEATS
    4. sort(TREATMENTS) by score()
    5. return TOP_ITEMS

    Naive Bayes classifiers offer a relationship between fragments of evidence E_i, a prior probability for a class P(H), and a posterior probability P(H|E):

    For numeric features, a features mean and standard deviation are used in a Gaussian probability function:

    Simple naive Bayes classifiers are called "naive" since they assume independence of each feature. Potentially, this is a significant problem for data sets where the static code measures are highly correlated (e.g. the number of symbols in a module increases linearly with the module's lines of code). However, Domingos and Pazzini have shown theoretically that the independence assumption is a problem in a vanishingly small percent of cases.

    TAR4.1 still requires two passes through the data, for discretization and for building treatments. These two steps function in exactly the same manner as the corresponding steps in the TAR3 learner. TAR4.1, however, eliminates the final pass by building a scoring cache during the BORE classification stage. During classification, examples are placed in a U-dimensional hypercube, with one dimension for each utility. Each example e in E has a normalized distance 0 <= D_i <= 1 from the apex, the area where the best examples reside. When BORE classifies examples into best and rest, that normalized distance adds D_i to the down table and 1-D_i to the up table.

    When treatments are scored by TAR4.1, the algorithm does a linear-time table lookup instead of scanning the entire dataset. Each range R_j containing example_i adds down_i and up_i to frequency counts F(R_j|base) and F(R_j|apex). These frequency counts
    are then used to compute the following equations:

    TAR4.1 finds the smallest treatment T that maximizes:

    Note the squared term in the top of the equation, L(apex|T)^2. This term was not squared in the first design of TAR4. The first version of TAR4 was a failure. Its results were muddled by the dependent attributes. The standard Naive Bayes assumes independence between all attributes and keeps singleton counts. TAR4 added redundant information, which altered the probabilities. In effect, it produced treatments with high scores, but without the minimum best support required in TAR3. TAR4.1 was redesigned to prune treatments with low support in the original dataset. By squaring the likelihood that a range appears in the apex, those treatments that lack support are dropped in favor of those that appear often in the apex.
  • Ourmine

    Ourmine is a data mining toolkit built to be easily learned/taught. It implements a variety of languages constructed in a modular way, providing the opportunity for easy extendability.

    Ourmine features

    For more information about Ourmine, please go here

    Thursday, September 3, 2009

    Fayola Peters

    Fayola's journey into the world of Computer Science began in 2004 as an undergrad at Coppin State University in Baltimore.

    Currently, she is working toward her Master's degree at West Virginia University and has jumped onto the Forensic Interpretation Model research path.


    CLIFF is a plotting tool which offers the visualization of data. This software features four(4) of the current models used in the forensic community, namely the 1995 Evett model, the 1996 Walsh model, the Seheult model and the Grove model. For each model, data can be generated randomly and plotted. Other features of CLIFF include:
    • the ability to perform dimensionality reduction by applying the Fastmap algorithm
    • the ability to determine if the results gained from a region of space is important and well supported.

    Tuesday, September 1, 2009


    Testing large-scale systems is expensive in terms of both time and money. Running simulations early in the process is a proven method of finding the design faults likely to lead to critical system failures, but determining the exact cause of those errors is still a time-consuming process and requires access to a limited number of domain experts. It is desirable to find an automated method that explores the large number of combinations and is able to isolate likely fault points.

    Treatment learning is a subset of minimal contrast-set learning that, rather than classifying data into distinct categories, focuses on finding the unique factors that lead to a particular classification. That is, they find the smallest change to the data that causes the largest change in the class distribution. These treatments, when imposed, are able to identify the settings most likely to cause a mission-critical failure.

    Pseudocode framework for a treatment learner. TAR3 and TAR4.1 use this basic framework, each defining their own objective function:

    1. Procedure TreatmentLearner(LIVES=MAX_LIVES)
    2. for every range R
    3. SCORES[R]:=score(R)
    4. while LIVES>0
    5. BEFORE:= size(TEMP)
    6. TEMP:= union(TEMP,some())
    7. if BEFORE:= size(TEMP)
    8. LIVES--
    9. else
    11. sort(TEMP) by score()
    12. return TOP_ITEMS

    1. Procedure one(X=random(SIZE))
    2. for 1 to X
    3. TREATMENT:=TREATMENT+ a random range from CDF(SCORES)
    4. return TREATMENT

    1. Procedure some
    2. for 1 to REPEATS
    4. sort(TREATMENTS) by score()
    5. return TOP_ITEMS

    TAR3 (and its predecessor TAR2) are based on two fundamental concepts - lift and support.

    The lift of a treatment is the change that some decision makes to a set of examples after imposing that decision. TAR3 is given a set of training examples E. Each example in E maps a set of attribute ranges R_i, R_j, ... -> C to some class score. The class symbols C_1, C_2,... are stamped with a rank generated from a utility score {U_1 < U_2 < ... < U_C}. Within E, these classes occur at frequencies F_1, F_2,..., F_C where sum(F_i) = 1. A treatment T of size M is a conjunction of attribute ranges {R_1 ^ R_2... ^ R_M}. Some subset of e from E is contained within the treatment. In that subset, the classes occur at frequencies f_1, f_2,..., f_C. TAR3 seeks the smallest treatment T which induces the biggest changes in the weighted sum of the utilities times frequencies of the classes. Formally, the lift is defined as:

    lift = sum(U_c*f_c)/sum(U_c*F_c)

    The classes used for treatment learning get a score U_C and the learner uses this to assess the class frequencies resulting from applying a treatment, finding the subset of the inputs that falls within the reduced treatment space. In normal operation, a treatment learner conducts controller learning; that is, it finds a treatment which selects for better classes and rejects worse classes. By reversing the scoring function, treatment learning can also select for the worst classes and reject the better classes. This mode is called monitor learning because it locates the one thing we should most watch for.

    Real-world datasets, especially those from hardware systems, contain some noise, incorrect or misleading data caused my accidents and miscalculations. If these noisy examples are perfectly correlated with failing examples, the treatment may become overfitted. An overfitted model may come with a massive lift score, but it does not
    accurately reflect the details of the entire dataset. To avoid overfitting, learners need to adopt a threshold and reject all treatments that fall on the wrong side of this threshold. We define this threshold as the minimum best support.

    Given the desired class, the best support is the ratio of the frequency of that class within the treatment subset to the frequency of that class in the overall dataset. To avoid overfitting, TAR3 rejects all treatments with best support lower than a user-defined minimum (usually 0.2). As a result, the only treatments returned by TAR3 will have both a high lift and a high best support. This is also the reason that TAR3 prefers smaller treatments. The fewer rules adopted, the more evidence that will exist supporting those rules.

    TAR3's lift and support calculations can assess the effectiveness of a treatment, but they are not what generates the treatments themselves. A naive treatment learner might attempt to test all subsets of all ranges of all of the attributes. Because a dataset of size N has 2^N possible subsets, this type of brute force attempt is inefficient. The art of a good treatment learner is in finding good heuristics for generating
    candidate treatments.

    The algorithm begins by discretizing every continuous attribute into smaller ranges by sorting their values and dividing them into a set of equally-sized bins. It then assumes the small-treatment effect; that is, it only builds treatments up to a user-defined size. Past research has shown that treatments size should be less than four attributes. TAR3 will then only build treatments from the discretized ranges with
    a high heuristic value.

    TAR3 determines which ranges to use by first determining the lift of each individual attribute. These individual scores are then sorted and converted into a cumulative probability distribution. TAR3 randomly selects values from this distribution, meaning that low-scoring ranges are unlikely to be selected. To build a treatment, n (random from 1...max treatment size) ranges are selected and combined. These treatments are then scored and sorted. If no improvement is seen after a certain number of rounds, TAR3 terminates and returns the top treatments.

    Monday, August 24, 2009

    Oussama El-Rawas

    Known by his colleagues as simply "Ous" (pronounced like moose "without" the "m"), Oussama originally did his undergrad at the American University of Beirut in Computer and Communications Engineering. Shortly after, he enrolled at WVU in the Electrical Engineering Graduate program, where he conducted his research in software engineering models, search based AI, and software project management. His research produced, in addition to his final Masters thesis, several papers that have been accepted at conferences such as ASE, ICSE and ICSP among others.

    Currently Oussama is commencing his PhD studies, working as and GTA and continuing his research work with Dr. Tim Menzies. When not occupied with his work, Oussama enjoys reading technology news, researching open source software and its use, listening to various genres of metal music, and spending time with his beautiful wife.

    Creating the New Generation of Forensic Interpretation Models

    In their report, "Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward" the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) laid out not only the challenges facing the forensic science community but also put forward recommendations for improvements required alleviate the problems, disparities, and lack of mandatory standards currently facing the community.

    Highlighted in this report is the concern that faulty forensic science can contribute to the wrongful convictions of innocent people. One the other side of the coin, someone who is guilty of a crime can be wrongfully acquitted.

    Take for instance a hypothetical case of a suspect being connected to a crime scene by trace evidence such as glass.
    It would be very easy to challenge the forensic analyses by simply requesting that the analysis be done by at least five(5) different forensic labs. One can almost be 100% certain that they would have no choice but to throw out the evidence because of the inconsistency of the respective results.

    It is for this reason we have taken up the NAS's challenge to develop a standard forensic interpretation methods to convincingly "demonstrate a connection between evidence and a specific individual or source"
    . It is our hope that this project will not only supply the analyst with an interpretation of the data, but also a measure of what minimal changes in the data can result in a different interpretation.

    For this project we studied current methods of forensic interpretation of glass evidence. In this subfield of forensics we have so far identified at least three separate branches of research leading to three different 'best' models: the 1995 Evett model, the 1996 Walsh model, and the 2002 Koons model. To date our research has shown that the former models are 'broken'. There are two root causes for the broken mathematical models:

    1. 'Brittle' interpretations where small input changes can lead to large output changes.
    2. Inappropriate assumptions about the distribution of data.

    To deal with these two issues, our project proposes the use of (a) clustering algorithms (meso and ant), and (b) treatment learning. The clustering algorithms will allow us to reason about crime scene data without the knowledge of standard statistical distributions, while treatment learning offers the analyst a measure of how strongly an interpretation should be believed.

    Our project will also boast of a plotting tool (CLIFF) which offers the visualization of data. The software features four(4) of the current models used in the forensic community, namely the 1995 Evett model, the 1996 Walsh model, the Seheult model and the Grove model. For each model, data can be generated randomly and plotted. Other features of CLIFF include:

    • the ability to perform dimensionality reduction by applying the Fastmap algorithm
    • and the ability to determine if the results gained from a particular region of space is important and well supported.

    In the end, it must be made clear that our purpose is not to determine innocence or guilt, or give a 100% guarantee of a match/non-match. Instead our goal is to aid in the decision making process of forensic interpretation. We want to provide the analyst with a standard dependable tool/model which reports to them an interpretation of the crime scene data as well as the treatment learner's analysis of what minimal 'treatment' could change the interpretation. What happens after this is in the hands of the analyst.

    Ultimately we want to be able to rely on the results presented in a court of law, results based on correct models accepted and used by the entire forensic community. So, if a suspect demands that test be done by five(5) different forensic labs, there should be no dramatic differences in the results.

    Friday, August 14, 2009

    Adam Nelson

    Adam is a Computer Science graduate student at WVU who studies data mining as well as other applications for machine learning. His interests off-campus include (but are not limited to) playing MMOs, going to see movies frequently,  sleeping, eating, etc.  

    Wednesday, August 12, 2009

    MILL student spends summer at NASA AMES

    Greg Gay, a masters student at the MILL, spent summer'09 working at NASA AMES (Silicon Valley, California) with model-based simulation experts.

    He was testing some tools developed at the MILL on flight control problems at the NASA. His results, available on-line, showed that some models are better analyzed with non-continuous contrast set learning that traditional continuous methods.

    Here are some photos from his time as NASA:

    Tuesday, August 11, 2009

    The Diagnosis of Mission-Critical Failures

    About Us

    PhD Students

    Masters Students




    Software Models

    • A software development process model.

    Model Optimization

    • Visualization tool for finding "brittle" regions inside a model.

    KEYS and KEYS2:
    • Exploits the natural key variables in a model to find the optimal input settings.


    • A toolkit used for the teaching and researching of advanced Data Mining concepts.

    Treatment Learners

    • Generates treatments to manipulate the class distribution of a dataset using life and support.

    • Generates treatments to manipulate the class distribution of a dataset using Bayesian probabilities.

    Data for AI + SE experiments

    The MILL is very active in running the PROMISE repository for repeatable experiments in SE.

    Any data used in our experiments is stored there and is freely available for others to use.

    Share and enjoy

    Paper accepted to ICSM 2009

    On the use of Relevance Feedback in IR-based Concept Location
    Gregory Gay, Sonia Haiduc, Andrian Marcus, Tim Menzies

    Concept location is a critical activity during software evolution as it produces the location where a change is to start in response to a modification request, such as, a bug report or a new feature request. Lexical based concept location techniques rely on matching the text embedded in the source code to queries formulated by the developers. The efficiency of such techniques is strongly dependent on the ability of the developer to write good queries. We propose an approach to augment information retrieval (IR) based concept location via an explicit relevance feedback (RF) mechanism. RF is a two-part process in which the developer judges existing results returned by a search and the IR system uses this information to perform a new search, returning more relevant information to the user. A set of case studies performed on open source software systems reveals the impact of RF on the IR based concept location.

    Note: ICSM has a 21.6% acceptance rate.

    Todos: Aug 11 '09

    I'm not doing meetings this week (writing subjects). But in the meantime:

    All of you:
    • I want to run the weekly MILL meeting tuesday 11am. Please advise if you can't make it.
    • Please make sure i've given you an account on the MIL blog
    • Add your page with a description and picture of you! See GregG's page for an example :
    Fayola, Zach:
    1. in "software" can write a post with screen snaps of the tool. and write a small blurb on it.
    2. what where your goals while i was away? plz email me and advise
    1. looking forward to the paper
    2. when are you back from honeymoon? can we organize a teleconf with australia week of aug14.
    Phil and Ous and Andres: you need to read jackie keung's stuff
    • In particular, his recent TSE article
    1. looking forward to the paper
    2. can you add to "software" pages on tar3, tar4, keys, and your keys experimental toolkit
    1. looking forward to the paper
    2. can you add to "pom2" pages notes on ourmine
    1. looking forward to the paper
    2. can you add to "software" pages notes on ourmine
    AdamB: call me. tell me where we are up to.

    New version of Cliff

    Fayola and Zach coded an amazing new version of the forensics tool. Which Timm used to write an NIJ proposal. So cross fingers!

    Gregory Gay

    GregComputer Science researcher by day, gaming journalist by night - is there anything that Greg can’t do? Hint, the answer is lots. Greg is a pop-culture junkie with an entertainment addiction. He’s also likely to quote Oscar Wilde at any given moment. Greg loves quirky Japanese video games, esoteric role-playing games, Tetris, film noir, Lovecraftian horror, and Irish whiskey. He isn’t wild about Russian literature or DC crossover events, both of which result in confusing, mind-shattering crises.

    Greg is a master's student at WVU. When not researching the latest information retrieval and parametric testing methods, he writes about video games for 4 Color Rebellion. He used to head up WVU's ACM chapter.

    For more info, see his personal site, twitter, or facebook.


    Here are the people at the Modeling Intelligence Lab

     Ph.D. students
    Masters students


    The MILL services the following subjects:

    • cs472/cs572: data mining and advanced data mining (offered in the fall).
    • cs473/cs573: artifical intelligence and advanced AI (offered in the spring).
    • 700-level special topic: search-based software engineering
    • 700-level special topic: agent-oriented software development


    For graduate students interested in positions at the Modeling Intelligence Lab, we offer the following advice:
    • Before you buy, try renting.
    That is, before taking on work here at the MILL:
    • either take a MILL-taught graduate subject
    • or come along to the MILL meetings, learn who is doing what, then see if you can add anything to that project.
    After that, you (and us) can better understand what you do best and we (and you) can make the right decision about your employment.

    Paper accepted to ISSRE'09

    Cost Curve Evaluation of Fault Prediction Models

    Yue Jiang, Bojan Cukic, Tim Menzies

    Prediction of fault prone software components is one of the most researched problems in software engineering. Many statistical techniques have been proposed but there is no consensus on the methodology to select the "best model" for the specific project. In this paper, we introduce and discuss the merits of cost curve analysis of fault prediction models. Cost curves allow software quality engineers to introduce project-specific cost of module misclassification into model evaluation. Classifying a software module as fault-prone implies the application of some verification activities, thus adding to the development cost. Misclassifying a module as fault free carries the risk of system failure, also associated with cost implications. Through the analysis of sixteen projects from public repositories, we observe that software quality does not necessarily benefit from the prediction of fault prone components. The inclusion of misclassification cost in model evaluation may indicate that even the "best" models achieve performance no better than trivial classification. Our results support a recommendation favoring the use of cost curves in practice with the hope they will become a standard tool for software quality model performance evaluation.

    (Short) Paper accepted to ASE'09

    Assessing the Relative Merits of Agile vs Traditional Software Development.

    Bryan Lemon, Aaron Riesbeck, Tim Menzies, Justin Price, Joseph D’Alessandro, Rikard Carlsson, Tomi Prifiti, Fayola Peters, Hiuhua Lu, Dan Port

    We implemented Boehm-Turner’s model of agile and plan-based software development. That tool is augmented with an AI search engine to find the key factors that predict for the success of agile or traditional plan-based software developments. According to our simulations and AI search engine: (1) in no case did agile methods perform worse than plan-based approaches; (2) in some cases, agile performed best. Hence, we recommend that the default development practice for organizations be an agile method. The simplicity of this style of analysis begs the question: why is so much time wasted on evidence-less debates on software process when a simple combination of simulation plus automatic search can mature the dialogue much faster?

    Paper accepted to ASE'09

    Understanding the Value of Software Engineering Technologies .

    Phillip Green II, Tim Menzies, Steven Williams, Oussama El-Rawas

    SEESAW combines AI search tools, a Monte Carlo simulator, and some software process models. We show here that, when selecting technologies for a software project, SEESAW out-performs a variety of other search engines. SEESAW’s recommendations are greatly affected by the business context of its use. For example, the automatic defect reduction tools explored by the ASE community are only relevant to a subset of software projects, and only according to certain value criteria. Therefore, when arguing for the value of a particular technology, that argument should include a description of the value function of the target user community.

    Note: ASE has a 17% acceptance rate.

    Getting started at the MILL

    1. Get room access to 1011.
    2. Get an account on wisp.
    3. Get an account on stuff.
    4. Get an account on this blog.
      1. Find a picture of yourself. Upload it to the MILL photostream.
      2. Write 200 words about yourself.
      3. Add both to a page names YourFirstNameX where "X" is the first initial of your last name. When adding your picture, use the web-based URL of your pic from the photostream.
      4. Make sure you add YourFirstNameX to the labels of that post (and any future post that mentions you).
    5. Get server stack access. (Join the ai group @ csee -- CC TimM)

    Andres Orrego

    Andres Orrego is Director of Innovations at Global Science Technology and at Ph.D. student in the WVU Modeling Intelligence Lab.

    Tim Menzies

    Assoc. Prof. Tim Menzies, ( has been working on advanced modeling and AI since 1986. He received his PhD from the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia and is the author of over 164 refereeed papers .

    A former research chair for NASA, Dr. Menzies is now a associate professor at the West Virginia University's Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering and director of the Modeling Intelligence Lab.

    For more information, visit his web page at

    Treatment learning outperforms other methods

    Greg went to NASA AMES this summer and found that treatment learning (tar3 and tar4) beat the heck out of a range of standard methods (simulated annealing and gradient descent) for optimizing NASA simulators.

    Meanwhile, he wowwed the hell out of the NASA folks. Maybe we can send grad students there every year?

    For more, see his on-line talk: The Diagnosis of Mission-Critical Failures.

    Saturday, August 1, 2009

    MILL photostream

    fans of alan

    Name: a.turing

    Magic word: 1ihateapples!