- For a sample poster, see http://ourmine.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/share/pdf/poster.pdf
- You can write this using
- Latex (use "svn export http://unbox.org/wisp/var/09/pom2/doc/ase09/poster/pom2poster/ poster" then run "make")
- Powerpoint : layup one page in 5pt text. Won't look as good as the Latex, but some will find it easier.
- Open Office, etc (see the Powerpoint advice)
- Basement of library can print these; you can print non-gloss ($6) or full gloss ($12).
- For test prints, A3 sheets are readable, and cheap to produce
I am trying to open the poster but it keeps asking for a password, jsayago@mix.wvu.edu